Monday, March 16, 2009

Today I am overwhelmed with amazement and joy. I have had so many people reach out to me and help me along the way and finally I am getting some attention for the business. It has gone from non-existant to actually having local media attention. I am so BLESSED and with every breath the past couple of days I feel like I am experiencing a miracle. Not necessarily money, but purpose and justification that what i am aiming for people need, they want it, and they are so happy that someone understand the things they have experienced. I have gotten two articles and a television interview on a local newstation- Bay News 9 ( I am just happy and shocked all at once.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Article leads to more Press

I have wonderful news! After my article was published on Friday March 13, 2009, I got a phone call the same day from Bay News 9! They would like to do an interview with me Monday morning and it should air Monday night. I am so overwhelmed and shocked! I can not believe that there is such a quick response to our story. For anyone out there who has diabetes or any medical condition, I hope that you are also gaining support.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

My Article in the local paper!

I wanted to send a link for the article I talked about in my last post. I am so excited that Watch and Alert is getting some exposure. Please check out the ad and leave me some feedback.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

First Wave of Publicity

I haven't been very good about updating my progress on Watch and Alert lately. I wanted to spend several minutes recapping on last week. I have been in touch with a friend of mine who works for the TBT, a local fun paper aimed at a young crowd. On Friday we agreed to sit down and have an interview. It was a completely different experience than I am use to, a worked myself up and got way too nervous. As I should have expected the converstaion was very casual and I left very comfortable telling the reporter my company background. Afterwards we had to have a photo taken, so a professional photographer came to meet us at a local park. Having my photo taken is not one of my favorite things by a long shot, but again I was pleasantly surprised how comfortable the photographer and reporter made me feel. It was a great experience! The best part of it is that I will finally have some local coverage this week. My article is supossed to run on Friday March 13! I am very excited. I hope that it opens up awareness about the need and the options for anyone with a medical condition.